Testing device Spread of Flame ISO 5658-2





  • Lateral spread of flame on vertically arranged construction products

The results of this testing procedure are used as a basis for evaluating the burning behavior of a lateral flame which spreads along a specimen. The heat radiation which a radiant heater applies to a specimen simulates the probable degree of stress that acts upon a specimen in a fire scenario. The sample is placed in a horizontal position under the gas-heated radiant heater that is inclined by 15 +/- 3° against the horizontal line. The sample is exposed to a certain heat stream. A pilot flame is brought into contact with the hot end of the sample. After ignition any flame front that forms is registered and its horizontal spread along the length of the specimen is recorded as the time the flame front needs for spreading over defined distances. Controlling the device and measurement data recording as well as data processing is done via the software. It provides the calibration, valve control, preheating and CHF calculation.

Technical specifications

Type of specimen:Floor cover
Test standards:ISO 5658-2
Sensors:Temperature / mass throughput / heat flow
Supplies:230 VAC / 150 VA
Propane gas / compressed air
Dimensions (test device):1500 x 1000 x 1700 mm (W x D x H)
Weight (test device):approx. 250 kg